What a day...
Posted April 27, 2016 at 01:23 am

Sorry for the lateness, guys.  I had A DAY today.  The kind of day where you spend twenty bucks on a bunch of different candy bars just to prove to yourself you're a gosh-darn adult and have SOME form of control over your life.  

Also, I need to be super real with you guys for a minute.  I haven't really said this in a while, but I appreciate you guys so much.  Especially those of you who leave comments.  Nothing puts a smile on my face half-way through a crap-tastic day at work than reading through comments here.  I like hearing about your opinions on the characters, the different shipping preferences (thanks for being civil with rival ships, it's really nice), and I like the different theories and predictions.  

However... there is a right way and a wrong way to do it and I feel I need to bring this up. 

Personally, when I read a story I never try to predict what will happen next.  I will theorize certain things, but never try to predict how exactly what the characters will do or say because the whole point of following a story is to see how it plays out.  I even like spoilers.  Even if I know what is supposed to happen, I still want to see how it gets to that point.  I know this is not true for everyone, just my own personal way of enjoying a story, and that's fine.  

What is not fine is trying to rewrite my story for me.

You want to make fanart?  Awesome!  Show me!  You want to write fan-fiction?  Hey, maybe I'll read it!  If something I made inspires you to make something of your own, I would love to hear about it!

But this particular story is mine.

Please, when making predictions and theories, please please PLEASE do not write them out as if you are trying to write the story yourself.  This is simple respect for the creator.  It should be "I think ___ will happen!" or "Oh god, they're all gonna die!" not "Well first this person is going to do this and then he is going to react like that and then-"

Not cool.  I can handle it here and there but it became a chronic problem with one of my commenters and didn't stop even after I asked as politely as I could.  This person has been banned and I never ever ever wanted to have to do something like that.

All that said, I am extremely lucky to have such a nice group of readers and commenters.  I hear complaints from other creators and think Oh wow, I'm glad I've never had to deal with that.

By the way, the goblin is male.  I have answered this multiple times in the comments (it's fine, new readers rarely stop to read comments on old pages) and if it weren't going to be addressed in the story soon I would feel the need to add a FAQ section to the About page where the only question answered is the goblin's gender.  It is the most frequently asked question, after all.

Now if you'll excuse me, 

I need sleep

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